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dhcp, cisco layer 3 and brocade icx6450 functionality

New Contributor III
I am learning to program our brocade switches and I am struggling with a few things.

We use a cisco layer 3 for our core switch.  I create all new vlans on the cisco. If I plug my laptop directly into the cisco and change the port to "access" and assign my new vlan to the port, I get an ip address as expected. However, I created the new vlan on the brocade and tagged the port but it doesn't seem to obtain an ip address from the dhcp server.  I am thinking it's a trunk port to trunk port issue.  How do I make the brocade uplink to the cisco a trunk port?  Any other suggestions?  Thank you.


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi Dave,
Hope You are doing Great!

On ICXs you have to specify in the vlan context the type of port you have.  In ICX tagged means like trunk in Cisco world.  And untagged means like access port in Cisco.

Example ports 1/1/1 thru 1/1/5 are trunk ports and 1/1/24 is access port.:
config t
ICX7650-48F Router(config-vlan-100)#tag
  tagged                        802.1Q tagged port
ICX7650-48F Router(config-vlan-100)#tagged e 1/1/1 to 1/1/5
Added tagged port(s) ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/5 to port-vlan 100.
Added tagged port(s) ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/5 to port-vlan 100.
ICX7650-48F Router(config-vlan-100)#^C
ICX7650-48F Router(config-vlan-100)#untag e 1/1/24
Added untagged port(s) ethe 1/1/24 to port-vlan 100.

Please check vlan configuration.

Hope this helps.

New Contributor III
I appreciate your response.  I guess my question requires a more detailed answer for my to apply it to my network.  I am dealing with an already configured switch and I want to add\change some things.  Here are some more details if you don't mind...

The default vlan 1 contains the ip of the switch.  port 1/1/48 is the uplink port to the cisco core switch.

This is where it gets tricky.  I want to make port 1/1/12 an access port for vlan 70 but it is using a shore-tel VOIP phone the requires voice-vlan 88 and dual-mode to be configured on the port.

I've tried several things but I can't get vlan 70 to acquire ip's from dhcp.  Like I said originally, it works from a connected cisco switch.

I suspect the uplink port (1/1/48) isn't passing vlan 70 traffic because something isn't configured correctly.

Also, my default vlan shows the following:

vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port
 router-interface ve 1

Thank for the follow-up.


Hi Dave,
1/1/12 should be trunk port, in traditional legacy world, phones are like switches so it understands tagging and Computers do not understand tagging. 

Please send output of following commands:
show vlan brief e 1/1/12
show vlan brief e 1/1/48  (is it part of VLAN 70?)

Voice VLAN should be trunk/tagged data vlan should be untagged.
All you need to do is add as tagged port to both voice and data VLAN.
Then go to interface context and make sure you run command: dual-mode
Also check if 1/1/48 is port of both the voice and data VLAN.
If not then add to the ones missing in your config.

I think best is to open a TAC case and work interactively with our TAC.

Hope this helps.

New Contributor III
Hi, here is the information you requested.  (The actual access port in question is 2/1/37, not 1/1/12.)

telnet@River_5_MDF#sho vlan brief e 2/1/37

Port 2/1/37 is a member of 2 VLANs
VLANs 1 200

telnet@River_5_MDF#show vlan brief e 1/1/48

Port 1/1/48 is a member of 6 VLANs
VLANs 1 10 70 158 168 200


Here are the "show run" for the ports in question:
interface ethernet 1/1/48
 port-name Uplink to Cisco 3850 port 1

 inline power power-limit 15400
 voice-vlan 200

Thanks in advance for your help.
