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Uplink ports explained

New Contributor III

So sorry for what could be a very basic question but I'm starting to learn about networking and Ruckus.

I've got an ICX 7150 24P switch where I have configured 2 vlans: (1st vlan: 1/1/1 to 1/1/12 and 2nd: 1/1/13 to 1/1/24). I would like to connect this my core switch which also has these 2 vlans.

Could I use the uplink ports? if so, should I have one cable for each vlan or how does this work?

Thank you!

New Contributor III

Sorry for getting back to this but I've tried a couple of things and they don't seem to work as expected. Here is my scenario:

2 VLANs:

vlan 1: 1/1/1 to 1/1/12 untagged
vlan 2: 1/1/13 to 1/1/24 untagged

What I would like to do is use both uplink ports to increase bandwidth and also to assure availability in case of the cables fail.

LAG creation:

lag myuplink dynamic id auto
ports ethernet 1/2/1 to 1/2/2

Is that all? Cause doesn't seem to work.

Thank you!

New Contributor III
What firmware version are you running? LAG creation will differ a little bit between versions. 

One thing for certain, you will need to tag the uplink interface on both vlans.

For example:

conf t
vlan 1 2
tag e 1/2/1

This will tag both vlans on your uplink interface. If you are lagging the uplink between 1/2/1 and 1/2/2, you will only need to tag the primary port of the LAG (1/2/1). 

New Contributor III
My current firmware is: 8.0.80

So this should do it?

lag myuplink dynamic id auto
ports ethernet 1/2/1 to 1/2/2

vlan 1
untagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/12
tagged ethernet 1/2/1 to 1/2/2

vlan 2
untagged ethernet 1/1/13 to 1/1/24
tagged ethernet 1/2/1 to 1/2/2

Whats the difference or in which cases should I use a static or dynamic lag?

Thank you!

New Contributor III
Static or dynamic depends on the other switch's capabilities. Dynamic is the better option. If it's another Ruckus, go dynamic for sure. Check to make sure that the LAG is active with "show lag". Both links should be in forwarding state.

Otherwise, your vlan config looks correct. 

Contributor III
If you did it correctly, it should remove 1/2/1 and 1/2/2 from the VLANS and add lag1 as a lag interface.

Having multiple VLANs you would need to do "tagged lag 1" in both VLANS to carry them both across the LAG Trunk.

In 08.0.80 you should not need to set the primary-port or use the keyword deployed, but you can verify with "show lag"