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My primary and secondary flash was erased during an attempt to update the image. My CLI is showing: ICX64XX-boot>>.

New Contributor II
My primary and secondary flash was erased during an attempt to update the image. My CLI is showing: ICX64XX-boot>>. I can ping to and from my PC which I am using as ymy TFTP server. I loaded the latest firmware files on to my PC. I have them sitting in C:\image I set the env image_name to image/ICX64S08030r.bin. this is the image i am trying to load. I just get %Ts and then the session errors out. what am I missing?

Contributor III
Not sure why both got erased.  Usually, you upgrade one or the other and validate that flash slot before proceeding to the next.

Regardless, you should be able to recover.

You need to ensure that your switch can reach the TFTP server.  If it is on the same subnet, you shouldn't even need to configure the gateway.

setenv ipaddr x.x.x.x
setenv netmask x.x.x.x

if it is on a different network:
setenv gatewayip x.x.x.x

then set your TFTP server
setenv uboot y.y.y.y 


verify you can reach your TFTP server
ping y.y.y.y

Provide the name and path

setenv image_name ICX64S08030s.bin




New Contributor II

Thank you NETWizz,  I am a greenhorn in the brocade world.  I was following instructions for doing an upgrade on the primary.  the instructions said to erase the primary flash and then erase the secondary flash. which I did and then the instructions said to enter update_primary  and this is where everything failed.  I know for the future only erase one LOL.  oh well.  I and ping from the switch  to my PC (which I am using as the TFTP Server) and to the switch from the pc. 

I have the image file loaded on to my C; drive in C:\image.  I entered setenv image_name image/ICX64S08030r.bin.  and then entered update_primary.  my reply is: loading %T %T %T... Retry count exceeded, try again.

Contributor III
I have been dealing with Brocade for years way back before the ICX... They used to have FastIron FWS such as the 648G.

At any rate, it is pretty good stuff all around.  I am not certain which document you read, but for upgrading you do not need to erase the flash.  This automatically happens when the upgrade process goes to write the image.  I found a random ICX6450-C12-PD lying not far from my desk, so I will do one to make an example...

You should also validate the image, too.  This is how I do it:

show flash

verify md5 primary
verify md5 secondary

^  There is a file with the MD5 checksums for the images packaged with your firmware to compare against.


ICX6450-C12PD Router#sh flash
Stack unit 1:
  Compressed Pri Code size = 9806840, Version:08.0.30hT313 (ICX64R08030h.bin)
  Compressed Sec Code size = 9806840, Version:08.0.30hT313 (ICX64R08030h.bin)
  Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.05T310
  Code Flash Free Space = 32563200

ICX6450-C12PD Router#copy tftp flash ICX64S08030s.bin primary
ICX6450-C12PD Router#Load to buffer (8192 bytes per dot)
TFTP to Flash Done.
ICX6450-C12PD Router#sh fl
Stack unit 1:
  Compressed Pri Code size = 8558924, Version:08.0.30sT311 (ICX64S08030s.bin)
  Compressed Sec Code size = 9806840, Version:08.0.30hT313 (ICX64R08030h.bin)
  Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.05T310
  Code Flash Free Space = 32559104

ICX6450-C12PD Router#verify  md5 pri

ICX6450-C12PD Router#..................................................................................................................................Done
Size = 8558924, MD5 bf544836ea83c4e6539f86a9fb497a4e 

ICX6450-C12PD Router#reload
Are you sure? (enter 'y' or 'n'): y
Could not verify if the Running Config data has been changed.
Do you want to continue the reload anyway? (enter 'y' or 'n'):
The system is g
Sent SIGTERM to all processes
Sent SIGKILL to all processes
Requesting system reboot
Restarting system.

Bootloader Version: 10.1.05T310 (Mar 19 2015 - 16:39:59)

Model ID:
Enter 'b' to stop at boot monitor:  1  0
bootdelay: ===
Booting image from Primary
## Booting image at 00007fc0 ...
   Created:      2018-05-30  14:30:33 UTC
   Data Size:    8558348 Bytes =  8.2 MB
   Load Address: 00008000
   Entry Point:  00008000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
Starting kernel in BE mode ...
Uncompressing Image...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... done, booting the kernel.
IP-Config: Gateway not on directly connected network.
Config partition mounted.
Creating TUN device
Starting the FastIron.
platform type 49
OS>Unable to set the kernel wall time
Starting Main Task .INFO: startup config data is not available, try to read from backup
INFO: startup config data in the backup area is not available
CPSS DxCh Version: cpss3.4p1 release
Pre Parsing Config Data ...
INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup
INFO: empty config data in the backup area also
Parsing Config Data ...
INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup
INFO: empty config data in the backup area also
System initialization completed...console going online.

  Copyright (c) 1996-2016 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    UNIT 1: compiled on May 30 2018 at 07:29:29 labeled as ICX64S08030s
  (8558924 bytes) from Primary ICX64S08030s.bin
        SW: Version 08.0.30sT311
  Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.05T310 (kxz10105)
  HW: Stackable ICX6450-C12-PD
UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX6450C 12-port-PD Management Module
   Serial  #: XXX1234A01X
   License: BASE_SOFT_PACKAGE   (LID: eviHKKFmFMi)
   P-ENGINE  0: type DEF0, rev 01
UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX6450C-Copper 2port 2G Module
UNIT 1: SL 3: ICX6450C-Fiber 2port 2G Module
  800 MHz ARM processor ARMv5TE, 400 MHz bus
65536 KB flash memory
  512 MB DRAM
STACKID 1  system uptime is 6 second(s)
The system : started=warm start  reloaded=by "reload"
ICX6450-C12PD Switch>
Stack unit 1 PS 1, Internal Power supply detected and up.
Stack unit 1 PS 1, Internal Power supply detected and up.
PoE: Stack unit 1 PS 1, Internal Power supply  with 68000 mwatts capacity is up
PoE Info: Adding new 54V capacity of 68000 mW, total capacity is 68000, total free capacity is 68000
Stack unit 1 PS 2, One AT Mode detected and up.
Stack unit 1 PS 2, One AT Mode detected and up.
PoE: Stack unit 1 PS 2, One AT Mode  with 0 mwatts capacity is up
PoE Info: Adding new 54V capacity of 0 mW, total capacity is 68000, total free capacity is 68000
PoE Info: PoE module 1 of Unit 1 on ports 1/1/1 to 1/1/4 detected. Initializing....
PoE Event Trace Log Buffer for 2000 log entries allocated
PoE Event Trace Logging enabled...
PoE Info: PoE module 1 of Unit 1 initialization is done.

ICX6450-C12PD Switch>

New Contributor II

I would like to be able to do this, however I can not get past the boot. This is where I need assistance...  This is everything I get at switch power on.

Boot Loader version: 10.1.01T310 (Apr   9,  2014   -   18:01:02)
Model ID:

Enter 'b' to stop at boot monitor: 0

bootdelay:  ===

Booting Image from Primary
Bad Magic Number
Could not boot from primary, no valid image, trying to boot from secondary
Booting Image from Secondary
Bad Magic Number
##Booting Image at 01ffffc0...
Bad Magic Number
##Booting Image at 01ffffc0...

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