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I cant my Connect ICX 7250 to ISP modem access

New Contributor II
I can't access the internet from my vlan's but can access all PC inside in VLAN's

RUCKUS Team Member
Hi Rumen,

No, Access-list perform packet filtering to control the flow of packets through a network.The packet filtering provides security by helping to limit the network traffic, restrict the access of users and devices to a network, and prevent the traffic from leaving a network etc..


New Contributor
You only have routes for traffic in one direction (from your vlans to the ISP modem). You need to create routes on the ISP modem/router so it knows how to get back to all your subnets. When it gets a packet from your subnet for instance, it looks in it's routing table on how to reply, and it probably just has a default route out to the internet, so it sends that ping reply towards the internet and you never see it. You need to give it routes for your subnets with nexthop/gateway of the switch IP (