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New Contributor II
X需要了解到 ap设备的mac与bssid转换规则

Valued Contributor II
Perhaps Xin is referring to how Ruckus APs generate their BSSID MAC addresses from the base MAC address? Either way we could use more detail on why those values matter -- I can't imagine wanting to derive those without just asking the APs via SmartZone API or SNMP....

That logic is not overly complicated though.  

Assume APs base MAC Address - D8:38:FC:38:75:F0

2.4 GHz base MAC Address - D8:38:FC:38:75:F8

5 GHz base MAC Address - D8:38:FC:38:75:FC

Base MAC address would be used for mesh networks.

The 7th digit increases by 4 (in hex format) from the base MAC address.  Once all of the hex options are used there, the 12th digit increases by 1 and the 7th digit restarts in incrementing.  This is based off of their wlan0/1 base MAC address.  See below.

rkscli: get wlanlist

name          status   type   wlanID   radioID  bssid             ssid                            


wlan0         up       AP     wlan0    0        d8:38:fc:38:75:f8 SSID01                         

wlan1         up       AP     wlan1    0        d8:38:fc:78:75:f8 SSID02                         

wlan2         up       AP     wlan2    0        d8:38:fc:b8:75:f8 SSID03                         

wlan3         up       AP     wlan3    0        d8:38:fc:f8:75:f8 SSID04                         

wlan4         up       AP     wlan4    0        d8:38:fc:38:75:f9 SSID05                         

wlan5         up       AP     wlan5    0        d8:38:fc:78:75:f9 SSID06                         

wlan6         up       AP     wlan6    0        d8:38:fc:b8:75:f9 SSID07                         

wlan7         up       AP     wlan7    0        d8:38:fc:f8:75:f9 SSID08                         

wlan8         up       AP     wlan8    0        d8:38:fc:38:75:fa SSID09                         

wlan9         up       AP     wlan9    0        d8:38:fc:78:75:fa SSID10                         

wlan10        up       AP     wlan10   0        d8:38:fc:b8:75:fa SSID11                         

wlan11        up       AP     wlan11   0        d8:38:fc:f8:75:fa SSID12                          

wlan12        up       AP     wlan12   0        d8:38:fc:38:75:fb SSID13                         

wlan13        up       AP     wlan13   0        d8:38:fc:78:75:fb SSID14                         

wlan14        up       AP     wlan14   0        d8:38:fc:b8:75:fb SSID15                         

recovery-ssid down     AP     wlan102  0        00:00:00:00:00:00 Recover.Me-3875F0              

wlan32        up       AP     wlan32   1        d8:38:fc:38:75:fc SSID01                         

wlan33        up       AP     wlan33   1        d8:38:fc:78:75:fc SSID02                         

wlan34        up       AP     wlan34   1        d8:38:fc:b8:75:fc SSID03                         

wlan35        up       AP     wlan35   1        d8:38:fc:f8:75:fc SSID04                         

wlan36        up       AP     wlan36   1        d8:38:fc:38:75:fd SSID05                         

wlan37        up       AP     wlan37   1        d8:38:fc:78:75:fd SSID06                         

wlan38        up       AP     wlan38   1        d8:38:fc:b8:75:fd SSID07                         

wlan39        up       AP     wlan39   1        d8:38:fc:f8:75:fd SSID08                         

wlan40        up       AP     wlan40   1        d8:38:fc:38:75:fe SSID09                         

wlan41        up       AP     wlan41   1        d8:38:fc:78:75:fe SSID10                         

wlan42        up       AP     wlan42   1        d8:38:fc:b8:75:fe SSID11                          

wlan43        up       AP     wlan43   1        d8:38:fc:f8:75:fe SSID12                         

wlan44        up       AP     wlan44   1        d8:38:fc:38:75:ff SSID13                         

wlan45        up       AP     wlan45   1        d8:38:fc:78:75:ff SSID14                         

wlan46        up       AP     wlan46   1        d8:38:fc:b8:75:ff SSID15                         

wlan47        up       AP     wlan47   1        d8:38:fc:f8:75:ff SSID16     


The interesting note here is that the 2.4 GHz radio gets wlans 0-14 and the 5 GHz radio gets wlans 32-47.  Doing the math there, the 2.4 GHz radio is limited to 15 SSIDs while the 5 GHz radio can actually accept 16.  This looks to be because of the recovery-ssid shown above assumed to be 2.4 GHz only.

Note some AP models only support up to 16 BSSIDs, so it'd be the 1st 8 per frequency. 

We had to figure out all of this so we could write some python scripts to rename APs within an Ekahau file automatically vs. manually.

Thank you very much for your answer. You have helped me a lot and the customer's problem has been solved.

Esteemed Contributor II
Thanks John, that flipped a switch, and yes Brian thanks.

We have KBA-4495: BSSID to AP MAC Address translation

hi, Michael Brado,
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