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Guest Wi-Fi: Client Isolation vs IoT, Chromecast, Google Home, and Printers

New Contributor
I manage the Wi-Fi for a nursing home. We have a guest Wi-Fi which uses client isolation (with the gateway in the whitelist). The problem is we have more and more devices that don't work well (or at all) with client isolation. Devices like printers, Chromecast, Google Home, and now some of the smart home devices. I'd like to have a guest Wi-Fi that anyone can, still supports client isolation when possible, but lets these new devices still work without IT involvement for every single new device.

I'd like to know how others are managing this problem. How would you deal with this issue? One idea I have is if I can forward all my guest traffic to the gateway (which is my firewall) I can let it manage network traffic. I can then open certain ports used by these devices. I know I can forward traffic to my ZD, but this won't help me. I use a single ZD to manage APs in three different cities, so the latency would become an issue. I use a ZD3025 on built 164 with R500 and R510 APs.