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SZ100 Mac Authentication

New Contributor II
Hi, i ́d like to use mac-address authentication in a wlan, i ́ve already created wlan and l2 acess control, insert a MAC for test, on the SZ100 but i need to create an authetication server so can i use the SZ100 as Radius server or another authentication server and how could i do it?

you can use MAC Whitelist in SZ100, which is quick and dirty.
Or you can set up a windows radius server e.g. (we have the same) creating MAC-Objects (Users) in Windows AD e.g.

How can i use Mac whitelist, isn ́t the same as L2 access control?

sorry, yes of course it is the same. when using white or blacklist just set up l2 access control in your SSID. 

you dont need a special authentication server. authentication type should be standard, and method "open" and if you want to use additional wpa protection or not just choose the right encryption settings.

white or blacklist should then work immediately

thank you sir/lady, i really appreciate your help, i have only one more question, do you know the limit of the l2 access control?

But at all Thank You !!