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install cloudpath on mac OS

New Contributor III
how to install the cloudpath netwrok configuration on a mac os X end user device

New Contributor III
Hi Israr,
When a user goes through the workflow, in the last page they get a download profile option which will download a zip file which contains a dmg, upon installation of the dmg the network will be configured. This can also be changed in the user experience option to use a mobile config instead of a dmg under device configuration.

Hope that helps.

New Contributor II
I believe with OS X, the CNA mini-browser does not allow downloads of any form, including the mobile config profile. You will need to enable suppressing the Apple CNA from the wireless controller, or whitelist specific websites Apple devices check for connectivity and then use the Safari web browser for this to work on OS X.

@brock_ladd hi, any other solution on this?

Is disabling the CNA still the workaround? I don't want to disable CNA on the SSID because it works fine for Apple iOS devices.
Thank you,