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Severe flaw in WPA2 - cracked

New Contributor
153 REPLIES 153

Thanks Michael, I'll get this checked out. Just a couple more questions on this if its ok:
When did the 30 days timer start?
For the entitlement check, what if the ZD doesn't have access to check with the server and the local license file has expired? 

Realize im throwing curve balls but we have multiple customers who all have very different scenarios. 

New Contributor III
I thought I'd update my question with my own answer and explain the process I had to perform on the ZD's without support contracts so I could patch them for the krack attack.

I contacted Ruckus Support via I started an online chat session and explained the scenario.  The rep I originally spoke to said he would have to escalate it to the engineers and someone would contact me.  Within a very short period of time (can't recall but it was fast), someone reached out to me via email to let me know they'd contact me by phone in 15 mins.  I explained the situation, then replied to their original email with my ZD serial numbers.  

They replied a short time later with 3 entitlement files (aka support contracts) and I could upload those to the Administer >> Support tabs on each ZD.

Two of the entitlement files were for one day only (they were the oldest ZD's I had without a support contract.  I had to follow the support path which mean updating from 9.8.x -> 9.9.x ->9.10.x -> 9.12 -> (or something very similar, refer to the update documents to see the exact path you need to follow)

The rep told me they would expire in one day whether or not I would use them and he wanted me to perform the first update with him over the phone so he knew it was going to work.  Once I performed the first update successfully I let the rep go so I could let him assist other people.  It took a bit of time to follow the support path but I was able to successfully upgrade the ZD's without support contract thanks to the Support Team at Ruckus. 

The ZD's support contract expired on the next day but everything was up to date.  The third support contract was for a bit longer, but none of them was for 30 days.

I have to say, I am not a fan of the 10.0.x UI... I really miss the dash board with all the important info like Serial Number, Software Version, Up Time and the customized widgets we could setup.  The important factor is the systems are now protected.

Regardless, the updates were successful thanks to Ruckus for letting us do that!

Hi Michael, so i have an old lab ZD5000 that is running build 15. I can go direct to so i have to go via a 9.9 load. This seems to be being blocked at the moment.

Thanks Jeff, im a bit concerned with the 1 day support file as this means we have to contact support on the day that we plan to do the upgrade and get the file before we can start but if we have a scheduled upgrade window this puts unnecessary pressure on. Will give it a shot and see how it goes!

New Contributor III
The rep from Ruckus said if the support contract expired before we could upgrade the ZD's to just contact them again and they can extend the support contract for a bit longer with a new entitlement file.  

We do residential homes and small businesses so the impact wasn't high risk to our clients.  The businesses knew it was important enough that a 4 minute or less interruption was worth the small downtime.  

The third ZD support contract was extended for longer than a day (not saying how much longer)... not sure if this was a mistake but don't want to get the rep into trouble if he extended past the time frame he was suppose to create it for.  It's for our lab ZD so it will be put to good use.