I'm using some ruckus AP as stand alone, and I'm using it's hotspot feature. I have installed a web server and a Radius server to work with the Radius AP, and everything works! But I have a problem when I'm doing the authentication. In webserver I have used this code given by support team:
//<br />function get_param(name)<br />{<br /> if (location.href.indexOf("?") >= 0) {<br /> var query=location.href.split("?")[1];<br /> var params=query.split("&");<br /> for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i ++) {<br /> var value_pair=params[i].split("=");<br /> if (value_pair[0] == name) {<br /> return unescape(value_pair[1]);<br /> }<br /> }<br /> }<br /> return "";<br />}<br /><br />function submit_login()<br />{<br /> var action = "<a href="https://" rel="nofollow">https://</a>" + get_param("uamip") + ":" + get_param("uamhttps") + "/login";<br /> document.login_form.action = action;<br /> document.login_form.userurl.value = get_param("userurl");<br /> return true;<br />}<br />//
Wireless Internet Service
when the user clicks on Login button, he sees a secure SSL warning on web browser looking for the certificate of have a lot of problems with clients because that warning. I have to avoid this warning.
I have tested a cloud4wi hotspot using the same Ruckus AP and the same configuration, and that scenario doesn't have this problem, so there is a way to avoid asking to Can you advice me what to do?