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can i downgrade a 7372 firmware from 10.1 back to 9.8

New Contributor II
Downgrade of firmware - I read that plugging in an AP already on V10.1.1 but with the controller (ZD3050) on V9.8.2 would automatically downgrade the firmware back to the older version.  It has not done so.  Should it, or is there another way to use newer builds on older controllers?

Contributor III
Hi Dave,

The AP should automatically, downgrade itslef to the version of the controller. Please SSH into the AP and check its logs or please check the events under Access point, that should give us some information.

If the AP is connected remotely over VPN please try to reduce MTU and check.

Abilash PR

New Contributor II
Hi,logs below:
Feb  8 14:30:25 wifi-1 syslog: eventd_to_syslog():AP[6c:aa:b3:00:61:e0] joins with different firmware/custom file version and is being upgraded. 
Feb  8 14:31:30 wifi-1 syslog: eventd_to_syslog():Failure to upgrade AP[6c:aa:b3:00:61:e0] image from [] to [] after [16] retries 

New Contributor II
Hi Abi, 

any further thoughts on this would be much appreciated as cant get them to downgrade. Are there different logs available to see what the issue is?


You may have to do it in two steps - ZD generally supports direct upgrade/downgrade for 2 major releases. 9.8 > 9.9 > 10.0 > 10.1 is four major releases, so direct upgrade/downgrade is not supported.

You could downgrade from 10.1 to 9.9, then again to 9.8.2.