Having Cisco TAC experience too, let me provide the example DHCP scope, with
option 43 to give APs your ZD's address, and my recommendation on
how to prune the ZD/AP switch port trunks to only allow the necessary VLANs.
This will save CPU overhead on ZD/APs. In DHCP, you should exclude your
def-gw IP and any dedicated server/host IPs (like the ZD).
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool ap-pool
dns-server a.b.c.d (optional)
option 43 ascii ""
option 43 hex F1040A050A32
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
description AP01 Testing
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1, 10, 130, 140, 160
switchport access vlan 10
spanning-tree portfast
no ip address
Second question about ZD and AP communication, I see you may have
created an access port in VLAN 10. The above switch port example specifies
vlan 10 as the 'access' VLAN. A PC connected to a port configured like this
should pull DHCP from VLAN 10.
If you use tagged VLAN 10 (not untagged VLAN 1) for your ZD and APs,
you also need to specify this VLAN 10 under ZD WebUI Configure/System,
ZD's Device IP Settings, and the Access VLAN.
Likewise, on Configure/Access Points, Access Point Policies, the Management
VLAN should also have the VLAN-ID = 10.
These two fields tell the ZD and APs to tag their LWAPP communication packets
with VLAN 10. I hope this is helpful.