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The wireless function of AP R650 does not work.

New Contributor

When I power the AP R650, I can not search the wifi —— Configure.Me-XXXXXX, and the 2.4G and 5G LED are both down.

When I setup the AP following the guide ( I can not search my wifi which is set before, and the 2.4G and 5G LED are both down.

After I login the web page by using the IP, the Access Point shows there is a AP which is "Disconnected", and the AP in the list is "Not support", it makes me confused! By the way, the software version of my AP is

How can I make it work? Please give some solution to me, thanks very much. 


Valued Contributor

Hi Pop,


What power source are you using? The R650 requires 13W for partial functionality and 22W for full functionality.

I recommend performing a factory reset on the AP and upgrading to the latest version of Unleashed as 200.8 is quite old now. The latest version is 200.12.

If you still don't have any success, try changing the firmware to the 'stand-alone' version 114.

Hope that helps,

New Contributor II

If you have an older or newer ruckus wireless device that is not supported by the firmware, this can happen. Upgrade the firmware for all devices and if you have older devices like an Rx00 series that does not work with the Rx50 series, physically disconnect them from the network and reboot the AP.