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Ruckus Logs, error/whitepaper source?

New Contributor III
I'm examining logs on my Ruckus AP and have discovered that some of the error messages aren't easily understood, probably due the fact that I haven't read any documentation on this logging system, can anyone suggest or point out a pdf/webpage where I can get information on logged messages?

The one I'm tracking down right now is"
"RuckusAP daemon.warn dnsmasq[333]: no address range available for DHCP request via br0"

It makes sense but br0 isn't indicated anywhere on the documentation so I'm unsure of what it actually is, I can only assume it is indicating bridge0 as in the bridge between the two Ethernet ports, however I am only using one of the ports and have no wish to have dhcp delivered over either one of them so I remain confused. If someone could help clear this up or better yet direct me to a source where I could learn more about the log terminology/indications then that would be great.

If an informative source for the logs isn't available, then I'm using my 2 cents to vote for such an addition in the future, thanks for considering it.

New Contributor III
Hello, We have Ruckus Wireless ZoneDirector Syslog Message guide out since Jan 2013 and you can download it from below link but your syslog message is not covered.

I think you are seeing this below log on standalone AP. correct?
"RuckusAP daemon.warn dnsmasq[333]: no address range available for DHCP request via br0"

I have seen this error message before hence need to know firmware version on the device?

New Contributor III
I'm running the latest firmware version for the unit, 7962_9. And yes, I am running it as a standalone AP. Also thanks for linking to the support document, I'll see if I can get a chance to run through it later today, I am sure it will prove most helpful.


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