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R710 in Configure.Me-XXXXXX mode

New Contributor
I have an R710 in Configure.Me-XXXXXX mode.  It was connected to a SmartZone 100 controller and has since been removed from the controller.

I can connect to it with the Configure.Me SSID and the S/N of the unit.  The IP of the unit is as it should be, and I can ping it successfully.  As it used to be on a SmartZone, I suspect http and https are disabled.  I also cannot connect to it via SSH.

I can also connect and ping it on the POE port of the device as the unit successfully does get an IP.  Once again here I cannot http, hhtps, or SSH to it.

Firmware is

Is there perhaps a way to manually add this unit back into the SmartZone to see if it will connect back?

Thanks for any assistance.