I have an R320 in my office, flipping it over I can see Ruckus asks for 12v 1A on a barrel connector.
As I search through the specs for R600's power requirements show to be the same.
Power • DC Input: 12 VDC 1.0A
• Power over Ethernet 802.3 af
http://a030f85c1e25003d7609-b98377aee968aad08453374eb1df3398.r40.cf2.rackcdn.com/datasheets/ds-zonef...on the R700, you'll need more amperage.
Power • DC Input: 12 VDC 1.5A
• PoE: 802.3af compliant
http://a030f85c1e25003d7609-b98377aee968aad08453374eb1df3398.r40.cf2.rackcdn.com/datasheets/ds-zonef...if I were you, I would put a power supply in front of the Ruckus, and have it regulate your 12v-16v down to where the Ruckus unit would want it.
If you want to impress your friends and peers, I'd put one of these Netonix units on your 11-16v power supply THEN have it feed the 48v back to the ruckus units. Bonus points - if an AP goes down you can still reboot it remotely via the switch!
https://www.netonix.com/wisp-switch/ws-12-250-dc.html#descriptionI hope that helps, otherwise, look hard at a solid Buck-Booster similar to this one here.