02-05-2021 10:09 PM
I just purchased a new construction home and the builder has installed a Ruckus system that includes two Ruckus r320 wireless access points. The master WAP works wonderfully, but the other one has not worked for some time.
What happens is
(1) the power LED will go to a solid green, then (2) the CTL light will flash green quickly, then
(3) eventually the power LED will go red, and the whole process will repeat itself. The builder is not super responsive with things like this, so I'd like to resolve it myself in case this happens again.
I have unplugged the WAP from the ethernet cable, but that did not resolve the issue. I am hesitant to reset the WAP as apparently you're not supposed to do that without someone more intelligent than yourself telling you to do so.
Is this something that I should be able to resolve by myself, or do I need to get Ruckus tech support involved?
02-06-2021 02:35 AM
It seems that there is no LAN connectivity between master and second AP. Try connect laptop to this LAN socket and check that you receive IP address and that you can ping master AP (use advanced IP scanner to find it). Than we can look farther...
02-27-2021 04:18 PM
So I connected to that LAN socket and scanned with advanced IP scanner. Attached is the screenshot of the results. Though I'm not sure if the master AP was found or not.