I know that I'm a couple years late on this. But, in case someone comes looking for this or similar information in the future...
In reference to the "ruckusconf" scripts (
https://github.com/bot779/ruckusconf), if you prefer to use a "Windows" based system, you have a few options since the "ruckusconf" scripts appear to be written using a combination of "Linux Shell" (sh) Commands ("rebootat3am" & "buildclientos" files) and TCL (Tool Command Language) Scripts w/ the "Expect" Automation Module ("ruckusconf" file), etc.
1.) Use "Cygwin" to run the Linux based scripts (
https://cygwin.com), which comes w/ the "Linux Shell" (sh). You will also need to install the "TCL", "Expect" & "SSH Client" Packages/Components, using the "Cygwin Package Manager".