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Is there a CLI reference guide for ZF7372 AP?

New Contributor II
I can't find anything in the technical documents section. There are several CLI guides for ZoneDirector and FlexMaster. But I'm looking for a guide for an 7372AP in a standalone mode. I also tried to search "CLI", but there was no results. Could you please provide a link.

Valued Contributor II

I doubt about any CLI guide for standalone AP however while in CLI mode, if you type command "help" then it will give you all commands for use.

I made a copy of all those commands in word document for easy search.

Hope it helps.

I did the same, but then I found a pdf with all the cli commands in the Documents of the support page, that turned out to be the same.

I did the same, but then I found a pdf with all the cli commands in the Documents of the support page, that turned out to be the same thing.

Hi, Ed!

What was the filename or the name of the document?