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FW upgrade issue

New Contributor II
I have 30 H510 APs having unknown FW version and not registering in SmartZone. I have the correct FW downloaded but APs are not allowing access through web portal, TFTP or SSH. Please help me on FW upgrade.

New Contributor III
HI Chamika,

Are these H510 Ap's new Ap's ?

What is the SmartZone Firmware ?

Can you please try to connect one of the Ap to a laptop and try to ssh to it with Ip address and the default username/password is super/sp-admin.

Once you login, please check the H510 Ap's firmware with the command get version. Please share us the output.

Arun N

New Contributor II
Actually those were working fine before. What happened is at a point our vendor upgraded the firmware of the SmartZone and loosed the connectivity of all the APs. Now they downgraded the FW of controller to We were able to downgrade many of APs FW but these not accessible at all. I have tried with a laptop with ssh. It seems this FW is disabled all the SSH, Telnet and web portals access. I have no access to the these APs at all. But with SH CDP command in the switch I can see it is getting correct IP address but not reporting to the controller. 

Hi Chamika,

First you have to figure out if AP is reachable from network over its IP address, if yes, then check if you are able to SSH into it or not.

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
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Hi Omer, Thanks for your efforts on assisting me. I can reach the APs and no any issue with DHCP as well. The whole point here is with my previous controller FW it has pushed FW to these APs which is not giving any access to the APs. I have tested with SSH, Telnet and web portal as well. Now I have correct FW in my hand but there is no way to upgrade those APs.