I'm helping a client, and almost all the APs are flagged with a 100% connection failure. The event log for the AP reads:
(WARNING) AP NAME flagged health [0] because it crossed the threshold [30].
Moments later:
(INFORMATIONAL) AP NAME flagged health [100] because it crossed the threshold [30].
I can find nothing that would be causing this. Clients also don't seem to be having trouble using the network, though WiFi Calling seems to struggle with dropped calls. (not sure if related).
We made sure that there is no co-channel interference (Smaller channel size, set a static plan, and ended up disabling background scanning (some people said this could effect VoWiFi calling).
Any input or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I could find very little on the topic except for posts saying that under 3.6 connection failures were being falsely reported. This however, is occurring on 5.0.
Below is a graph of what we are seeing. The same behavior is seen on the 5 Ghz. APs are all 610s, with one 710.

Thank you!