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Clients keep getting Disassociated from AP = Reason 8

Contributor II
Well, the on-going saga continues.

I have an R600 that for some reason disassociates clients giving 'reason 8' that i found in the web UI log.

Could someone tell me what reason 8 is please?

Also, could someone maybe explain what the AP classes as 'interference'?

I am confused as to why the AP all of a sudden starts to SmartSelect to find a clearer 5G channel when there no other rogue 5G networks anywhere nearby.

Plus, the 2.4G network is perfectly stable and that has plenty of reason to hop about as there quite a fair few nearby networks.

Contributor III
The way Channel Fly works is that it is always trying to find the best channel to deliver throughput to the client by using predictive capacity management.

You can alter the mean time between channel changes using this cli command:

set channelfly wlan0 mtbc 500

In my opinion I would turn off Channel Fly is it can be destructive in nature to certain clients; I have a home network which is all Ruckus, and I don't use Channel Fly as my Sky Box does not like it.

Contributor II
Thanks Sean,

I have turned off Channel Fly and everything seems to be settled for now.

Its a shame really as i'm sure its a great idea to keep the wifi availability as clean and clear as possible.

With regards to the non aggressive load balancing, would it still perform this even if there were only two clients connected to one AP?

I have noticed a couple of times, that with both near one AP, one has hopped to another but i havent thought about checking the log until recently, or even realised the load balancing feature.

Esteemed Contributor II
Channelfly uses all 11 available 2.4G channels, while Background Scanning uses only channels 1/6/11, and should provide ~33% better client throughput.

Using the 'set channelfly wlanX mtbc 200' (mean time between changes) will decrease the frequency that you see APs change channels to avoid interference.

Only if you have clients which don't change channels well (Sky Box?) or VoIP badges, would we recommend turning off Channelfly, or better yet, run CF for a period of hours with default settings, then freeze your APs to those current channels when you disable it.

Client Load Balancing, which tries to equalize the number of clients on the same band of adjacent APs, will never disconnect already connected clients.  It will withhold probe responses and association responses from new clients, if the AP already has 20 or more clients connected.  Note: Client Load Balancing does not function if less than 20 (default) clients connected to AP radio.

I have the same problem, staff go for lunch and the osx clients show they are connected but they cannot get external access.

16 days of support and counting.... I am NEVER going to buy any more ruckus equipment after this.

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