01-02-2019 01:22 AM
06-24-2019 02:31 PM
07-18-2019 07:41 AM
In 3.5, SZ maintains the connection failure history for up to 1 week, AP reports failures in multiple counters to the controller. In 3.6.2 it is changed to use a different counter that was delta.
Please refer 3.6.2 Release Notes:
ER-6198: Resolved an issue where the controller kept a track of old client connection data, which resulted in incorrect display of client connection failures.
To understand these failures, you can select an AP where you are seeing high failures and go to health tab for that AP. Under the health tab you have two sections, one for performance and the other for client connection failures. If you go to client connection failures you will have complete plots showing under which above category are the failures happening. Now if necessary you can choose failure types as show below and also click on individual failure type to see which clients are failing. This feature was introduced to help customer debug his network issues."