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A lot of echo for VoIP (RTP) traffic over 7731 bridges PTP link, 2.5kms

New Contributor
I know these bridges are old and EOL, these bridges are in operation for last 4-5 years and never had any issues. But for almost a month, I am starting to experience ECHO issues over phone calls. It is very intermittent. I have restarted the bridges, upgraded the software version, but still no luck.

What would you advise, one reseller is suggesting to go for P300, but I am not sure if P300 will resolve any issues if there is interference. Is there way I can capture the logs.

Contributor II
I do not think it's up to the link. maybe there would be a change in the telephony components. (softwareupdate)

Esteemed Contributor II
You can examine the support info files on both side 7731 for signal strength and interference. 

Under Configuration::Wireless, Advanced tab you need to set the same Distance (in KM) on both sides.
It might help to run the Channel Optimization utility to be sure you have best bi-directional throughput,but it will impact traffic for about 3-5 minutes while its running.