I believe it was supposed to be solved in v9.9, but having just upgraded to v9.10, I'm still having issues when a user attempts to go to a https site before authenticating using a hotspot: using Mac Safari it takes 30s to load the captive portal (not...
I had a complete wifi network outage on my site yesterday, running a ZD 3000 with v.9.8 and a mix of 7372, 7363 and a couple of R300 APs. A similar thing happened about a 9 months ago.I believe it was the same issue but am unsure why it happened. Las...
I have 3 ZoneDirectors, a 1000, 1100 and 3000, if I turn on meshing and set the mesh password the same on all zonedirectors will access points approved on different ZDs mesh happily, or will everything come to a grinding halt?
OK, fixed that problem - had to change the urls to http instead of https - from nbi_url = "https://" + zd_ip + "/admin/_portalintf.jsp"to
nbi_url = "http://" + zd_ip + "/admin/_portalintf.jsp"Different error now, but script has got further an...
Hi,I'm having the exact same problem, I've added the SSL_VERIFY HOST entry but am now getting the error 500. If I run the .py file from terminal (I've hard coded the form values) I get this:
* About to connect() to port 443 (#0)
* ...
I like the sound of clusters - the current failover model requires having hardware and licenses sitting there doing nothing, which always seemed like a waste of resources. Would clustering also allow Dynamic PSK to work across multiple controllers?
Thanks, yes I meant setting the Mesh name the same too... which I now won't try.
This all came about when I had all 3 Zone Directors with meshing enabled (different essids), and at some point, it seems, all the 100-odd access points started querying...