A few misconceptions, client traffic is not tunneled, only management traffic. Client traffic is sent straight to the internet just as it is in controller architecture. There is no outage during cloud based controller upgrades for 2 reasons : HA ...
All that said, cloud managed wifi must offer all or most of the features that on premise controllers offer. If they can not offer the same feature set, then I agree that on premise is still the best solution
Cloud managed wifi is still controlled as it is with an on premise controller. The only difference is that the management traffic is tunneled to the cloud controller. This method produces many benefits....no large upfront controller costs, no cont...
Thanks for that info....I see now that unleashed is controllerless but not "cloud managed." I'm not seeing any type of cloud managed wireless solutions from Ruckus besides the Xclaim product. Ruckus, can we expect an enterprise level, cloud managed...