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Will Ruckus soon offer a Cloud managed solution allowing for more than 25 aps?

New Contributor II

New Contributor II
I'm looking for a true cloud managed product like unleashed but, I need it to scale to more than the 25 AP limit of unleashed.

Unleashed is not Cloud based infrastructure, it is a controllerless autonomous network.

Cloud based WiFi requires a server to manage the AP's, the server in this instance can be either physical or virtual i.e. SCG or vSCG.

Thanks for that info....I see now that unleashed is controllerless but not "cloud managed." I'm not seeing any type of cloud managed wireless solutions from Ruckus besides the Xclaim product. Ruckus, can we expect an enterprise level, cloud managed, solution in 2016?

Why would you want to run an enterprise network via a cloud managed service which you don't have full control off?

Also why are you not interested in vSCG? is it a cost related issue?

Cloud managed wifi is still controlled as it is with an on premise controller. The only difference is that the management traffic is tunneled to the cloud controller. This method produces many large upfront controller costs, no controller upgrades, no power requirements, HA is handled in the cloud, limited management. Branch sites can be preconfigured in the cloud controller. I could go on and on.