03-31-2021 08:16 AM
should the zd and the ap be on access mode or trunk mode?if trunk why. and if access why too??thank you
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03-31-2021 08:18 AM
We had ours on trunk mode for the zd since we have multiple vlans.
03-31-2021 08:44 AM
merci encore pour votre reponse,
est ce que je dois mettre le vlan management 254 comme vlan natif?
voir la configuration dessous
#conf t
#int gig X/x
#switchport mote trunk
#switchport trunk native vlan 254
et par rapport à la config du switch envers le zd??
03-31-2021 08:46 AM
j 'ai le vlan natif dans la liste de mes vlans. la reponse est "yes"
03-31-2021 08:50 AM
did you change the native vlan and replaced it by the management vlan ??
03-31-2021 11:18 AM
sur le zd, vous devez referencer touls les vlans que vous voulez avoir access to sur wifi.
En clair, le management et le personnel.
04-01-2021 12:48 AM
Connection to ZD doesn't need to be a trunk, as ZD doesn't use VLANs (except if you have tunneling on).
On AP you normally use trunk as you want management on separate VLAN from user traffic, so you use one VLAN for management (typically untagged one) and additional (tagged) VLANs to assign to SSIDs for user traffic.
It, of cause, means proper configuration of switch ports and AP ports (they always have to match -- including same VLANs configured on the trunk).
ZD typically is connected to access port in management VLAN, or in separate VLAN which has routing to management VLAN.