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Printing Guest Pass Ticket to a Receipt Printer

New Contributor
I want to be able to print the guest pass ticket on a thermal (receipt) printer. Problem is that the web browsers print a header and footer which makes the recept print A4 length.
The only way i have found to stop it from printing is to change a global setting so that no websites prints the header/footer. Anyone else tried to do this or found another solution?

Valued Contributor II
Not sure how geeky you want to get, and I haven't actually tried this, but 90% certain it would work:


New Contributor
Thanks Keith but have found a simpler alternative and that is to use Google Crome. When you go to print there is an option to untick header and footer. It still appears to be a global setting but much easier to change than in IE!

Valued Contributor II
Cool! Thanks for sharing the solution!

New Contributor
Do you have any further documentation on how to set this up and the equipment requirements? I have tried to print a guess pass using Chrome as describe above to a Dynamo Label 330 printer and the information is not readable and it is not displayed correctly.
It would be a great benefit for many companys who have the Zonedirector 1100 product to be able to setup a thermal printer to print guest's temporary passwords. Could someone please post the steps and requirements or maybe there is a walk through or a setup guide?
Thank you
Ed Hayes

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