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Is it possible to backup ZoneDirector settings? before testing new configurations?

New Contributor
I do networking for events and so we are constantly taking down and putting up our zone director and AP's. I have a lot of the config saved from past events meaning it's pretty much plug and go whenever I get to a new event. I wanted to test out the mesh networking functionality for a large venue event we have coming up but saw to disable it, it's going to require going back to factory defaults. Is there a way I can create a backup of my settings as it is now? test out mesh networking and then reload the settings from previously? Or would I have to manually configure everything else again?

Valued Contributor
Everything I have been told and read says that once you enable mesh on a ZD only a factory default reset (with all the palava of upgrades from there) will remove the mesh setting (on the ZD).

I guess you have already grasped the ramifications of that scenario.
create (various) backup config(s) on ZD with no mesh enabled.
enable mesh
after testing factory default ZD
apply relevant firmware (numerous if going by supported upgrade path) to return to backup state from start
apply backed up config
If truly a test ZD setup you could try going straight to the original firmware (to cut out the numerous upgrade steps) but I don't know whether that will work - that's something tech supp could advise you on.

Good luck.

New Contributor
Thanks. That solves that.