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Hi Please, there is a possibility to avoid concurrent login using a WLAN with captive portal and authenticating with Active Directory?

New Contributor II

Valued Contributor II
Can you describe your setup a little more? Do you have 2 SSID's with each providing a different authentication mechanism?

New Contributor II
Very thanks for the feedback Keith !

The setting is 01 SSID with just using the captive portal authentication with web ZD doing query to validate the user in an active directory database. The difilculdade being to avoid the same user login simultaneously. There is something in ZD that we prevent this?

I know that there is use of DPSK, but would like to avoid concurrent login setting in web authentication with AD, ok?

Valued Contributor II
I thought there was a setting in AD itself that either allowed or disallowed multiple logins (but what about >1 device per user which is increasingly common?)

New Contributor II
but Keith implement a lock so that the user has access to only 02 devices is possible using captive portal with AD? but this is exactly disallowed multiple logins.