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Announcement: Ruckus Unleashed controller-less WiFi architecture

Esteemed Contributor II
Ruckus Wireless today announces release of a new product line, Ruckus Unleashed. 

Custom designed for small to medium sized businesses, Unleashed provides a controller-less

AP network of up to 25 APs, with simple setup and administration thru a new WebUI.

With initial support for R500 / R600 802.11ac model APs, Ruckus has automated firmware

upgrades and connectivity, and provides many of the same advanced features of a

ZoneDirector managed wireless network including Guest Access, WiSPr/HotSpot, Zero-IT,

Dynamic PSK, L2-L4 Access lists, client isolation, Application recognition and control,

and RF management (BeamFlex, Client load-balancing, Background Scanning, Band

balancing, ChannelFly).

Visit the Ruckus Unleashed product page, which contains links to Training Videos,

Release Notes, AP firmware, and Quick Start Guides.


Contributor II
Excuse my ignorance, but is this a new firmware for our existing R500 & R600 AP's or is this a new product entirely?

Valued Contributor II
Looks like it's firmware for existing R500/R600:

"Applying this code to a ZoneFlex or SmartZone managed AP will convert it's function to Unleashed.

This is pretty sweet, and I bet you're feeling pretty happy you didn't buy a controller yet 😉


Although according to this video at 3.10, there are specific unleashed AP's that have a different SKU?

However, it does say that the standard R500 &R600 can be 'converted' to unleashed, although i am guessing the converted AP's wont have the full technical functions of the specific models?

Im confused! :))

Valued Contributor II
I think it's the opposite. The SKUs for Unleashed AP's is cheaper than buying them standalone. I am guessing they might restrict Unleashed only AP's from working with ZoneDirector / SCG. You probably bought the fully unlocked AP's so to speak, capable of functioning in any of these modes.

Ah, ok thanks.

So, has anyone been brave enough to try it yet?!


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