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Announcement: End of Life for ZD1100

Esteemed Contributor II
As Ruckus development has employed newer more capable radio
components, and

added more memory and CPU resources to our ZoneDirector and
Access Point product

lines, the earlier and less capable products are gradually
being discontinued. 


Recent End of Life announcements have been posted regarding ZD1100
model controller,

ZoneFlex 7363/7343/7341/7441 and SmartCell 8800 model access
points.  These products

will not be available for sale after September 30, 2015.  Please see the EoL notices for the

details on firmware and replacement support.

I think there are many in this situation (me included) where wifi hardware and network "work" but enlarging coverage with newer APs forces a compromise on the maximum ZD firmware (9.10.2) that can be used.

I have a 50/50 mix of 7363/R500 and am looking at a significant cost implication to replace old functional  APs and ZD or sit where I am for as long as possible.
Similar to the W7 to W10 upgrade conundrum for schools. But that's another story.

Ruckus kit works really well but the upgrade path is not user friendly. Pity.

PS: it's funny how 2 years from the original EOL announcement has gone so fast and I'm still teeth grinding!

New Contributor II
Apologies - meant to say 9.10 / 9.13 on the firmwares. Freudian slip 🙂

It would be incredibly useful if Ruckus could also put together a single page timeline comparison for all hardware, showing current and projected, and extended support - our fear is this situation will only get repeated another 4 yrs down the line.   Currently the information is spread out everywhere.  Something like a basic project timeline planner:

ZD 1100  ..........XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.........................................
7362  .............................XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..........................
R500  .........................................................XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxx