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ZD1200 How to kill the bad signal client offline

New Contributor II

if an ap shows the RSSI value of a client is greater than 75dbm, which means signal very bad .

I dont know ruckus production very much , but i want to know how to kill the bad signal client offline , and then make sure that the client can connet the nearest ap when the movable client change its location .

How to set the ZD1200 , which can automatically implements the function .


New Contributor II

it can be used SNR value to represent the signal too

RUCKUS Team Member

Hi joe_tommie,

I think you mean -75dbm of RSSI. That's still a good value for the signal, bad values would be -90 dbm or less but It would also depend on the noise and interference of the surrounding environment and even for the type of service (voice, video, data, etc.). A better measure is the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) which should be above 25 to have a good connection. On how to remove these clients, once they are offline they should be gone after some minutes when ZD refresh data.



New Contributor II

@david_saez thank you your answer.

i saw some cases after i posted this question.

right now i know how to tune the zd1200.

here are my set:

SmartRoam Factor is set 5,

and BSS Min Rate is set 12mbps.

what do you think.

RUCKUS Team Member

SmartRoam factor to 5 will make clients roam when SNR(also shown as RSSI) is bellow 20, so It is a good value to roam.

BSS Min Rate is good to 12 too.



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