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Mesh with T300

New Contributor III
Hi, is there anyone with experience with T300 in mesh configuration?
I have used mesh function with older models, and everything was fine. Now, T300 model behaves pretty strange. It gets very long time to connect, sometime mesh AP connects to root AP after couple of hours after restart, and sometime it happened that AP got connected to mesh after one and a half day, without any intervention!

Is there maybe any workaround that can be done to solve this behavior?

Valued Contributor II
Are you meshing the T300 with other T300's, or with a different AP?

New Contributor III
All APs in this scenario are T300. Thanks for your reply.

New Contributor III
and firmware is 9.12 build 336

Valued Contributor II
Hmm, if you had a mix of indoor and outdoor AP's, I would be concerned about the Indoor AP's staying on indoor-only channels, while outdoor AP's aren't allowed to use them. But that does not sound like your problem.

As long as distances between the AP's is reasonable, I'm stumped. It might be better to open a support case with support logs from the ZD and maybe the root AP and one of the mesh nodes having trouble.

It definitely shouldn't take hours to connect. I've got a ZF7982 and R700 based mesh and the whole network takes under 2 minutes to come up.