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Extend signal range / increase signal strength of root ap

New Contributor III
Hi, i'm using s zd1200 two R500 and one H500 which cover two households with around 250 sq meters in total. The mesh ap placed furthest from the root ap has a variable signal strength of 25-40% to the root ap. Now I'm actually looking to increase that signal strength because I believe that this variable signal strength (especially when down to 25%) is the root cause for occasional heartbeat loss.
My question now is if a R600, R700 or even a R610 or R710 would get me that increase in signal strength? I unfortunately don't have the possibility to add another AP between that root ap and mesh ap in question.

Any suggestions or real world experience would be highly appreciated!

Thx Max

New Contributor III
Thanks for this! Can you point me to where i can find the 5dBi and 8dBi is listed? As per data sheets i can only find a 3dBi physical antenna gain for both the r500 and r710 and the beamflex sinr tx gain would be 4 and 6dB. Maybe I'm missing something here?

As for the heartbeat loss this actually happens also during the night where there is zero traffic happening. Anyway I will check on what is happening once this has been turned off. Positioning has already been optimized having them horizontally but actually facing upwards instead of downwards cuz mounting them on the ceiling is a no-go. However I think the orientation whether facing up or downwards wouldn't matter for the signal strength I guess.

R500 datasheet physical antenna gain up to 3dBi

R710 datasheet physical antenna gain 3 dBi

Don't see a 5 or 8. 

I am using the data from the antenna mask patterns that I get direct from Ruckus.

Dont believe the spec sheets as they are always way out 🙂Image_ images_messages_5f91c46c135b77e247a7a099_3b2bd65739b60242b768b00d95e16926_RackMultipart20170202116067sts-d7b49745-d582-46ce-a18a-3bcfc3ff0f44-2050755831.png1486057221

New Contributor III
Thx for clarification! That helps a lot. Any chance to share the antenna gain for a r600 or r610 if you have it at hand without any hassle?

Br Max

Yeah sure the r600 is:

2.4GHz: 9.1dBi
5GHz: 8.6dBi

I dont have the r610 as we dont use it, we only use the r510 and r710.

Note: The r500 and the r510 are both 5dBi, so it's safe to say they are using the same antenna in the r610 as they are in the r600.

Hope this helps, and good luck with sorting out your MESH issue.
