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VLAN for web interface traffic

New Contributor II

I wasn't able to find if this is possible nor any plans if it's not currently. R750 allows me to deliver a trunk for multiple SSIDs configured, I can also configure a management VLAN which is used for communication between multiple R750s. However, the web interface for management seems to still only work with untagged packets. This forces me to deliver a hybrid port.


Is this by design, or is there any way to move the web ui to a separate VLAN?


Contributor III

"Enable VLAN for Management Interface" doesn't work?

New Contributor II

I'm sorry I missed your answer. However, this doesn't seem to work as expected. You cannot set the same IP in "System => IP Settings => IP Settings" as in "System => IP Settings => Management Interface". The second one seems to be  used for management traffic between APs?


I see a document here: which contains "Access VLAN" field:



My AP, despite running doesn't have such field:



In addition, I verified CLI as well. As described in the "vlan" in "config-sys-if" context should let me see the VLAN, but that command doesn't exist on my AP:


ruckus(config-sys-if)# vlan
The command is either unrecognized or incomplete. To view a list of commands that you can run  from this context, type '?' or 'help'.
ruckus(config-sys-if)# help

Commands available:
  help                 Shows available commands.
  history              Shows a list of previously run commands.
  abort                Exits the config-syst-if context without saving changes.
  end                  Saves changes, and then exits config-syst-if context.
  exit                 Saves changes, and then exits config-syst-if context.
  quit                 Exits the config-syst-if context without saving changes.
  ip enable            Enables IPv4 Support.
  ip route gateway <GATEWAY-ADDR>
                       Sets the controller's gateway address.
  ip name-server <DNS-ADDR> [<DNS-ADDR>]
                       Sets the controller's DNS servers. Use a space ( ) to separate the primary
                       and secondary DNS servers.
  ip addr <IP-ADDR> <NET-MASK>
                       Sets the controller's IP address and netmask. Use a space ( ) to separate the
                       IP address and netmask.
  ip mode dhcp         Sets the controller's IP address mode to 'DHCP'.
  ip mode static       Sets the controller's IP address mode to 'Static'.
  show                 Displays current system interface settings.





There doesn't seem to be any updates for R650 (my test one, I don't have a R750 not in production) as of today:





Click on the “management interface” tab and you’ll see the ‘enable VLAN’ checkbox. 

New Contributor II

Are you're talking about this screen:


This isn't it. It will not use DHCP, it uses any-cast and static addressing and it seems to be used for AP-AP communication. It doesn't enable VLAN on the main WAN interface in IP Settings like in docs.