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R850 - Strange TX Power Issues

New Contributor II

I seemingly am trying to figure out why my R850s are transmitting at such a lower power level. Both are spaced apart at a good distance and there is very little interference on the channels they are on. They are only transmitting at 10dbm on DFS channels which seems incredibly low for the US when the power allowed is I believe 23DBM. They have in the past been transmitting at 22dbm but are now stuck at 10dbm.

Throughput after I noticed the transmit power drop on these on the download side has dropped off considerably, it seems to be capped or struggling at around 650-700MBPS on 2x2 Wifi6 devices. Same room I always used to be able to get 800/800 easily.


  • Running latest version of Unleashed
  • APs are powered by a POE++ Switch (Engenius ECS5512FP) at the full 5GBE backhaul. The AP detects it's powered by a bt switch as it sets that power level. LLDP is on.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Tried a different switch with ++ power and it made no difference to the transmit power (10dbm only).
  • I tried overriding the TX power in unleashed and I set it incrementally up by 3 settings from -10dbm to full. It made NO difference to the AP transmit power. It would not change from 10dbm.
  • I verified it is in BT5 power mode via CLI. I also set BT5 power manually in Unleashed. No change to transmit power.

New Contributor

Not sure if a solution was ever found? but I can share what the cause is.  I went through all steps mentioned, cli power settings on AP and Switch, tried injectors, etc. Came to the same conclusion, despite the correct power settings, the radios were not functioning at full power. What I discovered after many factory resets, was when you change the Unleashed setting of optimize compatibility to optimize performance (enabling DFS channels) this causes the issue. I've since moved away from R650s, but really wish this would get fixed if they ever release a new Unleashed firmware version.