02-25-2023 10:31 PM
After updating the firmware in my unleashed network ( 3x R610 and 1 x H510) to the latest, the 3 R610 have intermittenly been turnining on and off. Previously, my master AP WIFI is usually off, and so is the H510 WIFI,and the WIFI coverage is great with just the 2 R610 (attic and ground floor). The master AP is on the 2nd floor, and the H510 is in the masterbedroom -on the 2nd floor as well.
Now the R610 in the attic does not come back on, and the H510 takes on a lot more clients on WIFI and the R610 on the ground floor comes on and off. How do I revert back to the original AP arrangement or at least prevent the Attic and Ground floor APs from being turned off?
Thank you
02-26-2023 12:29 AM
What do you mean by ‘turning off’? Do you mean literally losing power, or not taking on clients?
02-26-2023 12:31 AM
The AP is stated as disconnected. It has power, it can be pinged but it does not allow you to access it or take on clients.
02-26-2023 12:51 AM
Are you using static IPs or DHCP? It sounds like the APs are failing to talk to each other.
02-26-2023 01:26 AM
All the APs have a static IP address reserved by the DHCP server in pfsense