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Guest pass with Ruckus Unleashed Locked Out

New Contributor II
Hi, I have set up my master Ruckus Unleashed AP with a SSID. I enabled and setup guest authentication. However, I didn't generate any guest passes and now when I connect, it asks me for a guest pass. I didn't set anything up with guest passes and when I go to I don't know what the username/password is? If anyone knows a way around this I'd appreciate it. The firmware version I am running is whatever the Unleashed version is downloadable off of Ruckus's website. I'm using a R500. I believed I locked myself out, learning tip for everyone... 

Is there a way to bypass the authentication and go right to the and configure the AP again or no? All ideas/comments are appreciated.


Contributor II

Regardless of whether you enabled Guest WLAN with guest pass generation or not you could get back to Unleashed Master AP by simply going to "".

Perhaps,  your browser cache is automatically taking you to guest pass generation page. I recommend either clearing the browser cache and go to "" or simply use a different browser to reach  "".


New Contributor II
As discussed on the phone yesterday, if you enable Guest Pass + Device Registration, you cannot go to and configure the AP because it requires you to authenticate with a Guest Pass before you do anything. So you won't be able to go to nor any website without further ado. 

Lesson for all, configure a second SSID without Guest Pass authentication to be able to connect to that Access Point and configure the AP. OR created your Guest Passes before you enable Guest Pass authentication. 

The outcome of this for me and the Ruckus engineers on the phone yesterday was simply a hard reset as told by the Ruckus Engineer.

New Contributor
Or maintain a wired connection to the Unleashed network and thus avoid the wireless authentication requirement at that stage.

New Contributor
I'd like to understand why the Guest Pass Portal won't present unless the Unleashed system has Internet Access.  Is guest pass loading something remotely?