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DHCP and Controller Issue for Unleashed deployment

New Contributor II
HI everyone, i deployed an unleashed solution, a router mikrotik is acting as dhcp server and hotspot, this hospot prevents devices to receive an ip address if they are not authenticated, for this reason i have to bind their address in the hotspot, but everytime i add a device we need to turn off the hotspot, after thar it functions well until a refresh of lesases, after that all devices goes down and controller dont see them, sometimes is functioning and they lost their master and no one equipment acquires this rol, i need to reset some ap and configure it again. Do you know a solution for this? Do someone have the same issue?

Esteemed Contributor II
Not sure I follow all, but it's recommended to assign Static IP address to Unleashed AP MAC addresses, outside the range of the Dynamic scope used for other clients.
If APs are not required to authenticate for their IPs, does this function in your network envronment?

New Contributor II
Thanks Michael

Certainly.  Thanks for the feedback.  Happy networking.