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New Contributor III

Since upgrading to, Apply devices (laptops, phones etc) won't occasionally to the network, 2xH550 and 1xR650. When it happens, the  OS shows as "connected" but it fails at DHCP, DHCP is external to Ruckus with short (5 min leases). Never had this issue before, reverting to fixes it.  


Why didn’t the update get rolled back? These changes cannot be done easily by the average person unless you call out the company that installed it. You can’t ever provide support to me to help with it. To have such an effect on the largest phone manufacturer, I am surprised I have to wait to April to fix this. Wish I never updated! Would have thought it makes things better not inoperable! 

New Contributor III

It was Buggy for me too on the R750. I had it on 200.14 and worked great. But once upgraded, it randomly stops working, won’t display traffic on graphs. Very frustrating, but I did revert back and everything has been good. Although I am looking forward to the patch. 

I rolled back too, working fine now. I think I’ll wait to read reviews before any further updates! 

New Contributor III

Right! It was a headache to get it back going. I didn’t save my current config. ( I did now though ) But I am definitely going to wait as you said, before hitting update. But I’m glad to see they are working on it, and quickly too. 

New Contributor II

The release that was published today (April 08. 2024) doesn't fix this issue in any way.  Is there another version that is planned to be released in early April like you comment says?  why is this not resolved yet, the issue has been know, and confirmed since Jan of 2024!  would really like to understand why its not corrected.  Thanks.