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vSZ Upgrade to from

New Contributor III

I'm planning to upgrade our VSz from to
I've 8 AP in a single zone, with 5 SSID and URL filtering configured.
I have to manage something before upgrade or I can go without problem ?

Many thanks in advance

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi Leonardo,

Below are few suggestions for performing an upgrade.

- Check the release notes for the supported AP models list and make sure that all your APs are supported in 5.0 release.
- Take the cluster and configuration backup files from the existing vSZ and save them to your local PC.
- Hardware resources requirement might vary in the newer releases because of the new features. Confirm the resources.
- Active support contract is needed to perform an upgrade.

- Anusha

The only issue i have come across and it may not be related to the version upgrade, but after the upgrade we had an issue with older client not being able to connect or stay connected.  After disabling 802.11r the problem is fixed.  Not sure if there was a change in 802.11r in this release but it had been enabled before the upgrade and i was not aware of any problems.  

New Contributor III

thanks for the reply, I will check all.
If I need to downgrade to 3.6.1, can I restore the previous backup of cluster?
It restore also the firmware of AP, or I need to restore the firmware for each AP ?
We have a VM (VMWare), if I take a snapshot, can I restore the snapshot and all works with previous version, also the firmware AP ?

Thanks in advance

Contributor III
Upgrade from 3.6 to 5 shouldnt change the AP firmware in the zone until you change it in the zone config. Only the controller code will be upgraded.

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