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MF 7811 user/password

New Contributor
I recently bought MF7811. The device seems working properly because I'm finding hidden SSID in 5 GHz with excellent level. I'm trying to access the AP in order to modify it but I can't login with super / sp-admin. In short, is there a way to flash the AP with the latest firmware without using user/pass, i.e. TFTP or JTAG-port? Or some other way to emergency access the AP (web, telnet, ssh) without user/pass and change the credentials after that?
Thank you in advance

Esteemed Contributor II
Press the indented Hard Reset button for 8 seconds before release, to factory default the 7811 AP.

You should be able to login with the default 'super' and 'sp-admin' credentials, or this AP/CPE combination may have come from an ISP who OEM'd our product, in which case we cannot access or reconfigure it.