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Clients still getting kicked from AP.

Contributor II
I think the various questions i am asking are getting lost in other threads so....

Could someone tell me why i'm seeing this...?

"wmi_peer_sta_kickout_event_handler:838 Kicking off STA *************** AID 1"

I am also seeing the above, but with AID 2 at the end.


Both are Ruckus, one R500 in the garage and R600 in the house.

But, for some bizarre reason, my phone will fight to the bitter end to stay on the 500 (and thats with the smart roam tweaks) rather than hop on to the 600.

However, it will quite happily roam from the 600 to the 500 almost seamlessly!!! 

the R500 advertizes the same RX gain as the R600 but worse transmit gain.
The R600 has a higher max-bandwidth...

Are both APs giving the client a 2.4Ghz connection or is one of them providing a 5Ghz connection?

If you're not sure, it might be good to either disable the 2.4Ghz radios or the 5Ghz radios for testing purposes.

Also: See if you can get a copy of inSSIDer on a PC laptop + see what the PC thinks re: the signal strength it sees for each AP.

Maybe one of these devices isn't beamforming as well as it should or for some reason, there's a preference for the AP that's providing the lower speed...

Both AP's are set to for 2.4 & 5, however, my phone is only paired only to the 5G network

I have Netspot on my Macbook, so ill give that a go for the signal strength.


Ok my 5G network on these uploads are the only two ac "modes" that are listed..

This is at the place were the phone is directly underneath the indoor AP...

Image_ images_messages_5f91c473135b77e247a958c0_44120c9d25919685936365c185f157b4_RackMultipart201511056017y57e9-db7b94da-c52e-41a6-8a31-38c34c883da8-528746776.png1446706052

And this is just were i come into the house from the garage, which is back around the corner...

Image_ images_messages_5f91c473135b77e247a958c0_4c6a271ff8971862442d364cf2f1127f_RackMultipart20151105119161nbw-a9854b1d-4373-4421-b78b-1c90aaea8db5-195148438.png1446706107

Just to add, the phone is an iPhone 6s, and the MBP is a Jan 15 vintage.

try the following:
set ofdm-only wlan0 enable
set roam_factor wlan0 4
set bss-minrate wlan0 36000
set roam_factor wlan32 4
set bss-minrate wlan32 36000
reboot now
Note: bss-minrate only affects the 802.11ag standards at the moment (I have ticket open to include MCS), but your client might be falling back and holding on to these rates - you can adjust the bss-minrate to 54000 if required