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Change in New Member permissions to combat Spam

Community Manager
Community Manager

Dear Community,

As part of our effort to combat recent Spam attacks on the Community I've restricted some permissions for new members. Brand new registrations will no longer be able to:

  • Use Simple HTML in posts
  • Embed third party content
  • Upload avatar images
  • Use @ mentions of other users

These are temporary for brand new members only. Once you are participating in Community for a few days, have viewed a few pages and made some posts, you'll be granted the Established Member role and rank, with these permissions.

Again, this is to combat spammers and make the Community a better place for the rest of us!

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


New Contributor III


I recently submitted a bug report in the Unleashed subforum. When I revisited by post later, it said that it was blocked for spam and that I should report it to get it posted.

I did, but nothing happened.


Can you please look into this?