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HTTP access to zoneflex on ruckus cloud

New Contributor
We've recently moved from an old ZD setup to the cloud option.  I'm pretty disappointed in the amount of access I have lost when it comes to the equipment we've purchased.  Not only does the cloud give us absolute bare bones information and options but now it seems I don't even have the ability to log into my access points.  Why is this?

New Contributor
We removed the ability to login to the Access Points CLI due to the fact that with that ability you would be able to make changes that could affect the controllers that manage the Cloud.

Ruckus Tech Support has the ability to log into the Access Points if needed for troubleshooting.


New Contributor II
Hi Lee,

Thanks for your feedback. We have a lot more troubleshooting capabilities planned in the near term releases. This will show some of the information and tools available to you today from ZD. So thats coming.

The crux of your question though, is why can't you login to AP UI/CLI. There are a couple of use cases after you login to the AP 

  1. - Troubleshooting or monitoring on a per AP level
  2. - Making optimization of config on a per AP or even radio level
Moment you make config changes to the AP or radio from the AP UI/CLI, we end up in a state of two masters controlling that config. One might argue that AP changes should override cloud changes. However, when you consider scenarios at a wider scale this becomes increasingly problematic and runs counter to the philosophy of ease of management via Ruckus Cloud. 

So the decision to not allow AP UI/CLI access was a design choice. Let us know what your use case is. We can try and accomodate that using APIs or direct features in the Ruckus Cloud.


New Contributor
Thank you for the concise reply Rajiv.  I was mainly looking for information from the AP's and not looking to affect changes. ie,  are their heaters enabled? "winter's coming",  what is the signal strength between meshed AP's etc.  All the information I'm used to finding in the ZD just seems to be locked away behind the cloud.  I can certainly see why the decision to disable the CLI was made.  I would hope that the informational aspects will soon be brought over to the cloud though.

New Contributor II
"winter's coming"  - lol. Information aspects for troubleshooting is a big priority for us. Certainly signal strength in a mesh network is very important as well. 

Thanks again for your feedback and feel free to reach out on the forum or directly at



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