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Ruckus networking - Controller / Access Points

New Contributor

I'm new to the Ruckus world, we have a client that would like us to purchase Ruckus Access Points for his house.  I've browsed Commscope's website to get a general idea what Access Points are offered for Indoor/Outdoor coverage and I've reached out to them so hopefully they get back to me sooner.

The client essentially told us he wants the best of the best for Access Points, so I've been looking at the R850's for Indoor coverage and still browsing for Outdoor coverage.  Anyone have any feedback on the R850's or any recommendations?

Also, is the Zone Director what controls the Access Points, like a Access Point Controller?  Again not too familiar with Ruckus and figured I'd ask the community.  Thank you! 


New Contributor III

For Ruckus control platforms you've got the choice of:

ZD - aimed at smaller AP deployments , on site controller appliance (Personally id rather use SZ these days)

Smartzone (Either virtualised  or a hardware appliance - SZ100/SZ300) - what Id use for large deployments/centralised controllers

Cloud - sub based, good if you dont want the added cost of maintaining/hosting controllers.

Unleashed - perfect for home and small deployments IMO. No licensing cost

I would look at the unleashed firmware if its a deployment with a small number of APs.. a dedicated controller like a ZD(Zonedirector) or (v) SZ (Smartzone) would be overkill. Plus theres no licensing cost associated with running the APs on Unleashed.

Essentially one AP becomes the Primary virtual controller and you get access to functionality that you would normallly get on a traditional controller based platform (802.11r fast roaming, DPSKs etc, seamless roaming etc). It can also do mesh on supported APs if you cant get cables run everywhere.

not used the R850 but its a top end AP in the Ruckus wifi6 line up. If the clients willing to pay  then sure I'd put in the best AP I could! 🙂 

Personally I use R650s at home.

RUCKUS Team Member

Hi @marc_lindstrom,

R850 is good choice for indoor , but you can compare with other models like R650, R550 based on the client requirement and need.


You can consider T750, T350 for outdoor in Wifi-6 Category.


For management you can consider with Unleashed firmware for less number of APs.

Vijay Kuniyal

Staff Technical Support Engineer

CCNA RnS | CCNA Wireless | CWNA | RASZA | Meraki CMNO | RACPA

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