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UMM Unleashed Licenses

I recently discovered UMM, which appears to be free and appears to allow me to add a ton of ZoneDirector-managed sites/APs to it.  It seems like a nice way for me to hand over management or monitoring to staff and have all the ZDs in one place with one login. Am I correct that this is a free product?

Next, we do have some Unleashed sites and it seems this IS limited (one AP) without a license.  But all the places I know of that sell other licenses don't seem to know about UMM or sell them.

What's the story with that, and why make ZD free and Unleashed not free?

Valued Contributor II
UMM is not free and its only for managing unleashed networks. it will not support ZD controller managed networks.UMM is a new software product which came out few months ago

I'm finding the opposite - it was listed in the download section, included a license for 9999 APs connected to ZDs, had only a single license for one unleashed AP.  I know that Ruckus offers other software products and this is the only one I know of that can be downloaded, installed and run without a license key being added, that seems odd.

Can you point me to SKUs to purchase licensing on UMM?  I'm not seeing any vendors selling this.Image_ images_messages_5f91c43a135b77e2479cfd12_3f2518400710026aacbfb7e8618fc890_RackMultipart20180518102978cem-43119e49-595a-4e92-8387-d129bba26b91-28586349.png1526669142Image_ images_messages_5f91c43a135b77e2479cfd12_1c5b1ac583f7083b59def5f8d031f60d_RackMultipart201805181219001xv-a1e9ffa5-7100-4aa3-8704-2c997df79fe5-60567453.png1526669172Image_ images_messages_5f91c43a135b77e2479cfd12_f0594342e46bbd4e311278ce51d508c2_RackMultipart2018051814438150w-4733e556-6d2e-4c00-bc01-b9a97284ddc2-1637483639.png1526669197

Contributor II
Yes, it supports both ZD and Unleashed although it is meant for Unleashed purpose. We support ZD for legacy reasons. Hope this clarifies.

Valued Contributor II
ok. thanks for the info.