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I have a zonedirector 3000 and 7363 access points, how do I setup the AP's to be managed by the zone director?

New Contributor
I have a zonedirector 3000 and 7363 access points, how do I setup the AP's to be managed by the zone director? The access points are on a seperate subnet

Esteemed Contributor II
If the AP network can talk to the ZD network, configure the DHCP server on the AP network with Option 43 pointing to the ZD's IP address.

See our knowledge base article "Registering an AP with the ZoneDirector",

Another way to "prime" your APs, is to bring them up initially on the ZD network, so they're updated/configured, and then deploy them remotely
and they will "know" the ZD to try and connect back to.